Jr. Tournament


Jun 25, 2016
I've been attending this tournament for the previous two days and a couple of things have really grabbed my attention
1. From the outside the stadium looks like it should hold hundreds of people, only to walk in to find out it maybe holds 100 because the majority of the stands is gated off. Not like there is a huge crowd for this event any ways, no advertising at all within the city or county
2. The Spartanburg Athletic Director physically kicks people out of the stands and stadium as a whole, and shuts the doors after each and every game. Then refuses to allow players on the field until 30-45 minutes before their game
3. No sunflower seeds. You read that right. They do not sell nor do they want you with seeds in a baseball stadium
4. Again with the field worker, there is 1 worker. How on earth is there only 1 worker for this tournament!
Anyone else have any information on this tournament they would like to share?
1. The renovations to Duncan Park are ongoing. Were it not for the partnership with school District 7, the City of Spartanburg would have shuttered the place, or torn it down, long ago. Work is being done as funds become available. There is more than enough seating for any High School or Legion team, not to mention 10 Jr Legion tournaments, which few people but the parents attend anyway. As I understand it, the next step is to renovate the dugouts and locker rooms because those are the most pressing needs. The remainder of the seating will be done in time. Advertising a Jr Legion tournament in Spartanburg would be a waste of money. Locals didn't support the Phillies when they were here. They're not going to go to Jr Legion tournament any more than they would a travel tournament.
2. Have you never been to a double-header at Clemson or South Carolina? They usually empty the stadium between games. Gotta pay be bills. Not sure what the situation is with regard to the players taking the field, but I suspect that's coming from the State Committee.
3. My guess is the sunflower seeds rule is coming from the City.
4. I think the City has basically one guy that maintains Duncan Park, with the assistance of the HS coach during the HS season. Don't know whether Post 28 is having to pay him or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if they are. My guess is they're operating on a shoestring budget and didn't want to spend money on a second or third guy to just sit around most of the week.
I think your question regarding the sunflower seeds is answered by your own comments about the one person working the field. If there is only one person working the field, I would have to assume that there isn't a contingent of people available to work the event. Therefore, nobody to sweep the stands over and over again of sunflower/peanut shells. I think sometimes people forget that the guys that are VOLUNTEERING to run this event aren't spring chickens. Not easy for guys in their 70s-80s to clean up messes in the seats.
I do agree with you about running everyone out of the place though. I wonder how they handle the parents/family members of the kids when they show up to get in the cage prior to their game, only to be ushered out of the place. They have already paid, and they aren't giving tickets (at least the 2 games I've been two we haven't received any anyway) or stamping hands, so I am not sure how those folks are getting back in without having to pay again. I don't understand why they make people leave anyway. For the most part, the only ones sticking around for the next game are those people that just showed up the tail end of the current game. Most everyone leaves anyway after their kids are done playing because as Cohaze accurately points out, those are basically the only ones in attendance.
But it's a really nice venue, in a town with plenty of other things to do for the teams and their families when the kids aren't playing. Unlike the armpit of South Carolina in Sumter where it routinely is hot as an oven and there isn't anything to do or anywhere to go when the kids aren't playing. Have to appreciate the Legion members in Sumter volunteering their time, but they need to move it at least to Columbia or anywhere there is something else to keep people occupied. Not any cooler, but there is at least something else to do there.