summer scrimmages

Mar 9, 2015
battery creek is looking for 2 more scrimmages this summer. we need one june29-july 2 and would like to get another one sometime between july 6 and july 9. we can travel to you. reply here or call 843-575-5174
Pick a day, July 6th, 7th, or 8th (the ninth is my son's b-day, and my wife would kill me if I made major plans on that day), and yall can come to Lugoff (or anyone else that's interested, seriously). I'll put out lots of mats, we can practice, have live wrestling matches/groups, lift condition, whatever yall want. We'd be prepping for going to App State, so I should be able to have a good crowd (middle and high school). If we can get another team or two to join up, it could make a great day. Let me know, I think you've got my number, but if not my email is: Anyone else want to join in, just let me know. We have plenty of space and mats. Decent sized weight room, and an AD that's VERY pro-wrestling.