Please help a fallen Wrestler...


Four Year Letterman
Feb 23, 2014

I am sending this email out to try to find some help. I have always found that the Wrestling Community, no matter where you are at or where you are from, rallies behind each other and supports each other. Differences can be placed to the side, and disagreements forgotten to help the greater good.

Luke Hampton was a high school wrestler in North Carolina. He was injured during a match and has since been battling all obstacles placed in front of him. I know that I am always looking for ways to give back to the sport that has changed my life for the better, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Please read below and if you can help great! If you can't help, that's great too, if you could please pass it on to your contact list, it would be greatly appreciated.

God has placed an awesome opportunity to help Luke Hampton out with a FES BIKE (functional electrical stimulation) for his rehab. These bikes are super expensive and of course the insurance company deems it unnecessary. This can greatly improve his quality of life by allowing him the dignity to workout again! A used bike has come into my path for only$1500! Let's step up wrestling community and get this done!

Link to story about Luke and his accident

Link to donation site

Thank you in advance and God bless.

Thanks guys,

Jamie Kota